Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Users in the World

Finally broke through a wall, and things are developing. Went with Tom Wu's RSA scripts, due to better concentration on encryption and proven integration with openssl on the backend. I keep bouncing between 1024 and 2048 bits, when I really shouldn't give two shits. But happy news, login works and all the little pieces of functionality are there.

Now I'm pondering a redirection of the project. It's too ambitious, but that's forgiven for obvious motivational benefits. I'm just worried it won't catch on. It's not focused, and users won't see the appeal. It should focus on pictures and maps, and tying people to them. I love this idea. It's exciting. Ortanique? Orthopter? Something with ORT.

So many of these fancy Web 2.0 doodads are too about users. The content surrounds users. In a few places, users are beginning to meet foreign information, information that doesn't have to do with them, and that's key. That's travel and pluralism and self-perspective, and that's what the web needs to be about.