Sunday, February 25, 2007

Know Satisfaction

After one impromptu Sudoku contest, we plan next week to tourney on Spanish trains. And so the competitive spirit drives us on, further and to greater depth, by its one searing spur of hubris and human imperfection. I am never more mortified than when acting under outside influence, knowing full well that I would not act alone. It's a self-betrayal, dagger-drawn and full-face.

I remember reading that Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm is supposedly the most fitting for Sudoku. Tonight, however, I find that not only does Knuth ascribe DLX to Hitotumatu and Noshita, but that it's only a clever instantiation of his Algorithm X using toroidally-arranged doubly-linked lists.

Algorithm X! Wow. Knuth was hardcore. That must have been back before all the short algorithm names were taken.

I like constraint satisfaction, ever since a fiery affair with graph coloring. It's an area with scope and distinct challenge. This 729×324 matrix concept is particularly wonderful, and crazy obfuscated shit is a kick. Why do we so treasure clever little ideas?

"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty."
Emerson, Self-Reliance